Saturday, October 16, 2010

Narrative Text

Narrative is a type of text which construct a pattern of events with a problematic or unexpected outcome.
Its purpose to entertain and instruct the reader or listener. Narratives entertain because they deal with the unusual and unexpected development of events. They instruct because they teach readers and listener that problems should be confronted, and attempts made to resolve them.

Narratives are usually organized to include:

Orientation: introducing the main character(s) in a setting of time and place. 
Complication: a sequence of events, which may begin in a usual pattern, is changed in some way so that they pattern of events becomes a problem for one or more of the characters.
Resolution: the problem or the compilation is resolved to attempted to be resolved in the resolution 
Coda: this stage is optional. It makes explicit how how the character(s) has changed and what has been learned from the experience.
Generic Structure of Narrative Text

Language Features :
  1. Nouns: tavelers, bundles, tree, road, etc.
  2. Pronouns: they, their, its, its, etc.
  3. Noun phrases: the dusty and rough road, a big old tree, etc.
  4. Time connectives and conjunctions: oneday, a week later, then, a long, long time ago, when, etc.
  5. Adverbs and adverbials phrases: angrily, in horror, etc.
  6. Material processes (action verbs) arrived, ate, went, laughed, etc.
  7. Verbal processes (saying verbs): asked.

Language Features of Narrative Text

An Example of Narrative Text

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